01.Main Forum>

01.Main Forum>

02.Specialized Sub-forum>

02.Specialized Sub-forum>

03.B2B Matchmaking>

03.B2B Matchmaking>

Main Forum

First Name *
Middle Name
Surname/Last Name *
Gender *
Country/Region *
Organization/Company Name *
Category *
Position *
Mobile Number *
E-mail *
Address *

Specialized Sub-forum(Optional)

Which Parallel Specialized Sub-forum of GLSTF 2024 would you like to participate in?

Sub-forum 1: Timber Legality and Sustainability

Sub-forum 2: Resources, Markets and Trade of Legal and Sustainable Timber

Sub-forum 3: Advanced Technology and Machinery for Timber Processing

Sub-forum 4: Green Finance and Innovative Facilitating Measures for Green Supply Chains

Which topic would you most like to see at the GLSTF?

B2B Matchmaking(Optional)

Company Profile
Company Name
Company Category
Main Products
Company Profile
Preferred Matching
Preferred Target
Description of Matching Needs